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Take Our New Destiny Foundations Class

New Destiny Foundations is a dynamic membership and discipleship class designed to help individuals deepen their understanding of our church’s core principles, beliefs, and their personal walk with Christ. Through this class, participants explore the foundational aspects of faith, theology, and spiritual growth, guided by The Purple Book by Rice Broocks and Steve Murrell. This book serves as a practical resource for developing a strong Christian foundation, and together, we study key topics that empower believers to live out their faith and make disciples in their everyday lives. It’s an essential step for anyone seeking to grow spiritually and become an active part of our church community. 

The New Destiny Foundations Class meets on Sunday mornings at 10am. See our list of upcoming classes below.

Upcoming Events
Torchbearers Men's Ministry
Little Lights For Jesus (Nursery & Toddlers)
Ignite Youth Group
Rekindled Seniors Ministry
Embers Children's Ministry
Women of Fire (Women's Ministry)
Forge Young Adults
New Destiny Foundations Class

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